Creation is a part of each one of us. So creativity is naturally engrained in each one of us too. The CANVAS community loves to explore that creativity through real experiences. Whether it’s heading to The Getty to view artistic masterpieces, or strolling the streets of Downtown Santa Ana’s monthly Art Walk, or even listening to Pacific Symphony’s Concerts in The Park – creativity is everywhere. If you’d like to be on the email list for these artistic happenings, email us at
Why are the arts so important to Canvas?
The connection it brings to the larger human story
The ability of art to access the transcendent dimensions of our soul
The inspiration to “color outside the lines” and imagine what could be
The intimate connection between beauty and truth…
The list is long, but in the end, it boils down to this: “In the beginning, God created…”
The first act of love ever recorded is the act of creation – letting internal generosity burst forth and give life to something new. And the final goal of salvation is consummating the “new creation” – when the cosmos is simultaneously healed and transformed.
God is forever in the creation business, and thus, to share in his work is to share in God’s passion for creativity.
We do not see the arts as an optional extra that one can add (or not) to a busy life, but an essential dimension of our individual and collective humanity. Art is good for us and for others! So we ensure that we have many opportunities to receive the blessings of art, to create our own works of beauty, and to support artist in their divine vocation.