Peacefully, Abundantly, Beloved! Recovering our humanness in an unconsciously dehumanizing world.
Many of us live in an overly-exhausting world. The demands of life seem to outweigh the resources, leaving us with frayed nerves, a never-ending to-do list, and a good bit of anxiety about the future and loneliness in the present. And thankfully some part of us knows this is not the life God intends for his beloved people! Indeed, Jesus himself declared that he came for the very purpose that we “might have life and have it abundantly!”
In this short series we want to explore this idea of the abundant life in Christ. What does such a life look like? And even more importantly, what might we do to experience more of it? The location of some answers might surprise you as we turn to…the Ten Commandments, not as divine demands, but as loving wisdom from the Lord who seeks to set us free!