Please join us for a service of celebration as we give thanks to God for Haleigh Bowers and the past seven years that we have been blessed to have her lead our worship.Haleigh assures us that while she is leaving the position of music leader, she is not leaving Canvas. She remains a member of the congregation and plans to see us as often as she can. But in thanks for all she has done for us, we want to honor her as she steps down from her leadership role.
Haleigh’s last Sunday in charge will be May 5th, which will be a very special day in worship, followed by tacos! She has arranged all the songs, and we have some fun additions to the service to thank her.
One of those special additions is some video messages from you! If you’d like to express what Haleigh’s gifts have meant to you, please record a short message (on your phone is fine – horizontal/landscape position is best) and email it to Debbie. (Please send by May 1st. And if you have any difficulties, contact Debbie.)
Additionally, we are putting together a gift basket from the congregation to which everyone can contribute (you can drop them in Debbie’s office or bring them early on the morning of the 5th)! Haleigh is particularly fond of Trader Joe’s gift cards and Sweetwater Music, and as one who lives in LA and has to drive endlessly, gas cards are a wonderful help. And if you’d like to contribute to her artistic work, consider contributing to her Venmo (@haleigh-bowers) directly or become a patron on Patreon.
The session has, of course, formed a search team to find the person God has prepared to lead us in this next season, and we’ll have more on that as we go. For now, our focus is on thanking Haleigh and sending her “off” with joy.