Canvas is celebrating 10 Years of Ministry!

We hope that you will plan to join us in person or online in celebration of 10 years of ministry for Canvas! If you can make it to worship, you can linger for lunch of tacos and great fellowship.

We’re putting together some slideshows of the last 10 years and you probably have some photos that we don’t. If you’re willing to share a few (esp. if you’re in them!), we’d be grateful! It’s easy, just click below:

And if you are unable to attend the anniversary celebration, but would be willing to share a short video (like 20-30 seconds) to say hi or share a thought, you can record one or upload from another device here…

NOTE that the deadline for submitting photos and video is October 7th.

If you have any questions or wish to help out with worship and lunch on the 15th, please email Debbie.